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There are a number of roles that each one holds throughout life. Work-life conflict occurs when time and energy demands imposed by many roles become incompatible with one another; participation in one role is made increasingly difficult by participation in another. Work-life balance calls for adoption of certain coping strategies. The effective management of work/life balance (WLB) is an issue increasingly recognized as of strategic importance to organizations and of significance to employees. Companies that are bigger, more globalised and better managed provide a better work-life balance for their employees (Suls and Fletcher, 1985).
language | | english |
wordcount | | 6093 (cca 17 pages) |
contextual quality | | N/A |
language level | | N/A |
price | | free |
sources | | 5 |
Table of contents
Preview of the essay: WORKLIFE BALANCE
CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background to the Study 1.1.1 An overview of Work-life Balance There are a number of roles that each one holds throughout life. Work-life conflict occurs when time and energy demands imposed by many roles become incompatible with one another; participation in one role is made increasingly difficult by participation in another. Work-life balance calls for adoption of certain coping strategies. The effective management of work/life balance (WLB) is an issue increasingly recognized as of strategic importance to organizations and of significance to employees. Companies that are bigger, more globalised and better managed provide a better work- life balance for their employees (Suls and Fletcher, 1985). Duxbury and Higgins (2001) claim that work-life conflict has become less of a problem and that organizations have made progress in recent years. They in part attribute this shift to an alleged increase in corporate awareness regarding the need to focus on recruitment and retention of workers, and a perceived shift in employee attitudes towards work. It is claimed that these changes have provided an incentive for companies to make increased use of flexible and more family-friendly workplaces practices. According to Lissenburgh, Callender and Millward (1996) the ...
... to facility data collection process. Various other documents that may be deemed vital in carrying out the research will also be obtained from the relevant bodies. Having obtained all the documents required, the researcher will progress with data collection. The researcher will first seek permission from the university administration. Once this is done, the researcher will establish contact person in each evening class to assist her in the distribution and collection of questionnaires. The researcher will maintain contact with the contact person from each class who will facilitate in collecting the questionnaires back from each class. 3.6 Data Analysis Procedures The data collected will be coded using SPSS, version 10 for Windows. The researcher will use descriptive analysis. The outcomes of the quantitative data from the coded closed-ended questions will be tabulated using tables, frequencies and percentages. Furthermore, the data will be interpreted in relation to the research questions. The conclusions and recommendations will be derived from the findings of the study. On the other hand, the qualitative data generated from open-ended questions will be analyzed and categorized in themes in accordance with research questions and will be reported in a narrative form.
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Human Resources
Princess R.This is a study, I suppose. But it is not complete in itself. It only has three parts. The discussion of findings as well as the conclusions are not included. Hanging and abrupt!