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Impacts of undocumented workers

This essay has discussed on the impacts that comes along with undocumented workers in states especially the united states of America most of whom are Immigrants either legal or illegal. Therefore this essay has clearly analyzed their effects to a country

language english
wordcount 2056 (cca 5.5 pages)
contextual quality N/A
language level N/A
price free
sources 4
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Preview of the essay: Impacts of undocumented workers

IMPACTS OF UNDOCUMENTED WORKERS It is estimated that millions of immigrants to the United States are there with the aim of looking for jobs in order to support families and also raise their standard of living. Most of them are the unskilled workers who work in the agricultural sectors, engineering industries and even in restaurants. These types of jobs are normally referred to as the non- white collar jobs or ‘dirty’ jobs (Yasuo 28). In the last twenty years, an influx of immigrants into the United States has been noted and a number of them are undocumented. This has created several ...

... are also trying to make these illegal immigrants to become legal citizens since it is difficult to just get reed of them instantly. They are not also willing to go back to their respective countries by order from the state and therefore only reforms will help curb the negative impacts they bring in the country.
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Human Resources


Humanistic Studies
Area studies
Benjamin I.

It is but fair to say that the US has its fair share of the problem on undocumented workers which almost every country int he world experience. In Europe, the number of undocumented workers is almost as worse, if not worst than that being experienced in America. But there exists some governmental measures to curb this problem. This essay is somewhat a disjointed part of the previous essay on "Illegal Immigration." They are complementary to each other.

Princess R.

If this is to be addressed once and for all, the government should impose strict measures to the enforcement of the laws. More and more people tend to ignore the enforcement of the law because the law itself has not teeth.

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