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Teacher collaboration

Teacher collaboration in schools plays a big role in the creation of effective running of the schools.They ensure that accountability and improvement is maintained in the schools management

language english
wordcount 3328 (cca 9.5 pages)
contextual quality N/A
language level N/A
price free
sources 19
Table of contents

Introduction 1
Factors promoting and constraining collaboration in schools 6
Suitable purpose, task and context 6
Executive action 6
Sufficient time 7
Empowerment of teachers 7
How teacher collaboration can be enhanced in schools 8
The principal’s role in successful school reform 8
Promoting teacher leadership in schools 9
Communicating strategic intent 10
Incorporating aspirations and views of others 10
Slow to answer questions 11
Make space for individual innovation 12
Knowing when to step back 12
Creating opportunities out of perceived difficulties 12
Conclusions 13
Bibliography/reference list 13

Preview of the essay: Teacher collaboration

In the Riordan and Gaffney article, effective schools are defined depending on how school administrators deal with challenges in schools. In the article, issues of quality and excellence are advocated as the building blocks for school effectiveness. School administrators are required to use the concept of bench marking when determining school effectiveness. They should ensure that accountability and improvement is maintained in the schools management. School principals should use a better re-engineering framework that enhances school effectiveness. School effectiveness ...

... learning as well as teacher satisfaction. Collaboration among teachers improves the decisions made in schools and enhances professional development. However, good collaboration of teachers must be supported by the school administrators for better performance of the schools. Collaboration n schools must be taken responsively to achieve the required results. Teacher collaboration may take place with other groups that have different goals for collaborating and this may lead to balkanization.
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