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The shenanigans of the fashion industry
The fashions industry is just kidding around. The are free to push the prices up,up,up because everybody will buy their clothes anyway. In this essay I take up the consequences of this Development, and what we should do to Counter it
linguaggio | | inglese |
numero di parole | | 554 (ca. 1.5 pagine) |
qualità del contenuto | | N/A |
livello di linguaggio | | N/A |
prezzo | | gratis |
bibliografia | | 0 |
Anteprima della tesi: The shenanigans of the fashion industry
The Shenanigans of the Fashion Industry The whole human race is insane. We’re absolutely blown out of our mind, every one of us. The reason no aliens have ...
... as the 1980’s generic brand. And maybe will the fashion industry think of something new, but hopefully not. So just hold on, we’re soon out of the tunnel.
Tesi presente nelle categorie
Studi Di Arte
Arte Applicata
Scienze Di Studi umanistici
Psicologia sociale