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Mentorship Process
Mentorship relationship helps in professional development and advancement for both mentor and mentee. Adams and Popper (2008) state, "joining a mentor's network and developing one's own is central to advancement.” for example a mentor try to perfect their profession as well as refresh their work. On the other side the mentee get exposed, experienced, becomes integrated and networks along the way.
linguaggio | | inglese |
numero di parole | | 2746 (ca. 7.5 pagine) |
qualità del contenuto | | N/A |
livello di linguaggio | | N/A |
prezzo | | gratis |
bibliografia | | 21 |
Anteprima della tesi: Mentorship Process
Topic: Mentorship Process Introduction As mentors in the healthcare system we are deemed by our profession to facilitate learning and supervise and assess students in a practice setting (Nursing & Midwifery Council NMC, 2008:47, College of Operating Department Practitioners CODP, 2006:4). The author, a Registered Operating Department Practitioner (RODP), works in a small but busy operating theatre suite. As well as student ODP’s, there are also student nurses’ that undertake placements. The aims of this assignment are; ❖ Demonstrate knowledge and understanding by critically reviewing the key issues for preparation of the effective learning environment. ❖ Critically appraise ...
... performance and the learning environment. By this the author has come to a conclusion on how mentorship process is supposed to be carried out and the possible challenges likely to be encountered.
Despite of the above arguments the author has faced a limitation due to the fact all the reasoning in this paper are based mainly from nurse’s background and allied professions are known as the ODP’s, and ended up ignoring other fields. The author decided this was best field to carry out the research as he had adequate information after working with student nurses for a very long time.
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