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How ...

to write a Literature essay?

How to write an essay? Essay writing is an art by itself and this is an essential part of any student’s life. Students who are worried about the quality of their own essays and have a mental block as to how to approach this can just peep into our library of and have all their fears put to rest.

What is the essay that you have to write? Are you searching for some guidance in "Humanistic studies"? What is your major? Is it a Literature essay you are looking for?

Are you looking for an in essay in Poetry? Is it a "compare and contrast" essay?"

Let us take an example of a Literature essay, a "compare and contrast" essay -between two poems or stories ...How do you go about it?

The first step would be to read through the original work as many times as possible. The next would be to read through critical essays written on the poetry of the concerned poets.

Remember one important thing--the more you read the better would be your output. This would give you your own idea about how the topic need be approached.

The motive of is to help students with easy reference to make your own essays. Just pick similar Literature essays from the academic library and read through them to get an idea about essay writing. You can have your pick.

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