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This is a paper about making a Diagnosis of woman with substance dependence. IT provides a summary of the case, rationale of diagnosis and provides a 5 axis diagnosis.
language | | english |
wordcount | | 837 (cca 2 pages) |
contextual quality | | N/A |
language level | | N/A |
price | | free |
sources | | 2 |
Table of contents
Preview of the essay: Diagnosis
Five Axis Diagnosis of Evelyn: Week Five Tonya James Walden University Five Axis Diagnosis of Evelyn: Week 5 Assessment in counseling can provide the counselor with a lot of valuable ...
... References American Psychiatric Association, Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th ed., Text Revision. Washington, DC: APA, 2000. Butcher, J.N., Mineka, S., Hooley, J.M., (2012). Abnormal Psychology (15th ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson
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Humanistic Studies