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A Brief on Language Sexism
This essay provides a comprehensive discussion about language sexism, its origin and its existence in various languages. It likewise discusses language the relationship of language sexism and feminism and presents studies on language sexism.
language |  | english |
wordcount |  | 7512 (cca 21 pages) |
contextual quality |  | N/A |
language level |  | N/A |
price |  | free |
sources |  | 15 |
Table of contents
Language Sexism Defined 1
Sexism and Language 3
Brief History of Language Sexism 5
Sexism in Japanese Language 6
Sexism in the Chinese Language 7
Sexism in the German Language 7
Sexism in the Spanish Language 8
Sexism in the Church 8
Language Sexism and Feminism 9
The Issue of Language Sexism 10
Language Sexism in the Sociological Perspectives: Arguments for or Against It 12
Studies on Language Sexism 13
References 17
Preview of the essay: A Brief on Language Sexism
“Democracy without women is not democracy,” (Russian Women’s Campaign Slogan) Language Sexism Defined Language sexism, also known as sexist language or sexism in language is a much-talked-about socio-political issue today. The issue is one that invites almost everyone’s attention, particularly women who most of the times are the victims of sexist language. Many people speaking or writing English today wish to avoid using language which supports unfair or untrue attitudes to a particular sex, usually women. Professional organizations, periodical publications and feminist activists, grimly aware of this phenomenon, launch their awareness campaign to make people more sensible in using language as a social and political tool of communication. Political correctness in using language has been the banner of their campaign. But what is language sexism? The term is prone to vague misconceptions on the part of hearers and readers. To clarify possible misconceptions on this term, the following meanings and explanations are presented to shed light to this concept. The Oxford English Dictionary defines linguistic sexism as the assumption that one sex is superior to the other and the resultant discrimination ...

... our language. She argued that linguistic change is not only possible and desirable but can happen relatively quickly under certain types of social pressure and that asking or requiring people to avoid linguistic sexism is not equivalent to censorship or infringing on free speech. Henley (2001) suggested that students must receive adequate instruction on avoiding sexist language, particularly in textbooks intended to help students develop and refine their language skills. Although the full impact of prescriptive "he" remains to be explored, effects on attitudes related to achievement motivation, perseverance, and level of aspiration seem likely. McArthur and Eisen found that stories about male vs. female protagonists performing certain activities influenced the achievement motivation (desire to excel in these activities) of male vs. female children... Prescriptive "he" could have similar effects on a much larger scale and may even contribute to the fact that before attending school, boys aspire to traditionally male occupations and girls aspire to traditionally female occupations “(Henley 1983). The cited studies show that the issue on language sexism is something that merits serious attention and discussion for the purpose of arriving at intelligent decisions and crafting sensible policies in the future.
Essay is in categories
Humanistic Studies
Humanistic Studies